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Real stories from real women. Read how these women found fulfillment.

Image by Omar Lopez
Rosita P.
Individual and
Group Coaching
Princess M.
Group Coaching

Because Mary helped walk me through the work, I finally recognize what motivates my behavior.  She has helped me transition mentally, spiritually, physically, and emotionally. I have learned to love myself because I know that God loves me. He has a purpose for my life. I recognize fear, and make sure my actions are inspired by love instead of ruled by fear.  I will not allow fear to rob me of my peace.  I know how to protect my newfound peace.  I have true authenticity in my relationships… No more lying to myself.


Until I began working with Mary, I didn’t realize how stress and anger contributed to my physical and medical conditions. I had no idea how daily stressors and bottled-up anger were impacting my body physically. And that healing extended to my financial life, where I was even able to buy a condo. As for my physical healing, my once diseased, enlarged heart is now working within normal range. My banker and my doctor are amazed. They have no earthly explanation. I look forward to continuing my work with Mary by developing a plan to go deeper with my therapist.   


Now I walk in freedom.  I am free!

Lisa M.
Individual and
Group Coaching

Mary is a literal godsend. There is no doubt in my mind that God orchestrated every footstep in her life so that she can one day walk into her purpose. This is her calling. Our one on ones and group conversations are uplifting, empowering, and God-centered. She has a wealth of knowledge about trauma and the way the mind works and she has a gentle, empathetic approach. She has walked me through a long and arduous healing journey and has led me to the little girl within. She has nurtured us both. She has helped me step into therapy offices knowing exactly what needs to be addressed so that I can get to the root for complete healing. I am honored to know this woman. Her story gives me hope, her wisdom gives me strength, and her vulnerability has paved the way for women like me to step into freedom. Thank you for answering the call. You have changed my life for the better. 

Lily P.
Group Coaching

Mary and I connected when I was going through a very difficult time in my life. I had my reservations about coming to her classes, but with her guidance and applying her assignments, I realized it has been the best investment I ever made.  A special blend of wisdom and compassion, Mary impressed me most with her gentle way of challenging my thought processes. She was humble enough not only to share her personal experiences but also walk out what she preached in her own life. Because I saw her incredible results and her willingness to teach me, I was able to experience personal breakthroughs. I went from merely surviving life to thriving in life all thanks to her individualized approach. If you want to experience true transformation, I 100% recommend Mary to support your journey.


Let’s get to know each other.

My mission is to empower women like you to break free from self-sabotaging mindsets and behaviors, as they step into a life of true freedom, peace, joy and purpose.

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