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Empowering women to break free from self-sabotaging mindsets and behaviors, as they step into a life of true freedom, peace, joy and purpose.

My Story

My Story


In the Summer of 2010, I found myself at a crossroads in life. My marriage of twelve years was crumbling and life as I knew it would never be the same again.  Although on the outside it appeared I had achieved a picture-perfect life, my reality was entirely different. To the outside world, I was a happily married woman, with two amazing sons, several college degrees, a stable, well-paying job, living in a beautiful brand new home, while holding a leadership position at my church.


On the inside, however, I was a broken woman, merely operating in survival mode. I was simply going through the motions and checking off boxes of what I thought the world expected of me, without ever feeling any true fulfillment or sense of purpose. I had endured years of physical, verbal, and emotional abuse by my husband, as well as his multiple infidelities.


Adding to the chaos, I was also living my own double life. In a desperate attempt to medicate the pain, I had begun seeking the attention and validation of other men, in the form of emotional and sexual affairs. When these two worlds collided, it became impossible to maintain the façade.  I finally hit rock bottom!


As my world crumbled before my eyes and with nowhere left to turn, I finally surrendered to God's will for my life and allowed him to guide me through a journey of healing and self-discovery. 

Digging deep into my past for answers, I discovered how multiple childhood traumas were fueling false core beliefs and negatively affecting my present relationships.


With the help of a Christian therapist, a life coach, several accountability partners, and a support group for women on the same healing journey, I was able to identify areas of brokenness, break free from destructive mindsets, and forgive myself, as well as those who had wounded me. I opened my heart to receive the unconditional love of my Savior, Jesus Christ, and began nurturing an intimate relationship with him.


Over time, my identity was re-established, and I began to walk in more self-love than I ever had before, no longer in desperate need of the acceptance and approval of others.  As my self-worth was restored, I began to see improvements in all areas of my life, including my relationships, my health, and my finances.  I was able to experience a level of peace, joy, and freedom that I never thought possible.  


What I could never have imagined is that all the pain I had endured would lead me to my God-given purpose and that healing the wounds of my past would equip me to fulfill that purpose.​


Currently, as the founder of Beauty for Ashes Spiritual Healing and Life Coaching, I have helped countless women break free from the bondage of past trauma and abuse, as they step into a life filled with peace, joy, and purpose. I am able to provide a unique balance of self-awareness and spiritual guidance, while empowering my clients as they identify areas of woundedness in their own lives, as well as the triggers that constantly hinder their relationships.  


Love addiction causes a person to become consumed in the pursuit of love, romance, or fantasy, usually at any cost.  Some women find themselves repeating toxic patterns with multiple partners or feel stuck in an unfulfilling or abuse relationship. Determine if you may be struggling with love addiction today.

Image by Jordan Steranka
Image by Olga Filonenko
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